Evaluation Question #6

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?
Whilst creating my magazine I have used a huge variety of different technologies, these different technologies include:
Wordle 1

WordPress: I used WordPress which is a blogging website to upload and present all my work. I used this to show all my work from the Research and Planning through to the Production and even the Evaluation as well. It was an easy website to use and it was easy to edit and add to if needed.
YouTube: I used this website to upload my videos too. It was easy to register my account and then it was a simple process to upload my videos to the website. It also gave me the option to make my video private so that only people who had the link via my blog could view it. I did this for my focus group video.
Microsoft PowerPoint and Word: I used PowerPoint to create my mood boards for my ideal readers and target audiences because it was easy to move and place different photographs. Additionally, I used Word to create my Questionnaire and also I used it to analyse some of my already existing music magazines during the research and planning stage as well.
Word Powerpoint
Internet Explorer & Google Chrome: I used these two internet browsers to complete my research and planning as well as use them to access my blog and upload all my work on a regular basis.
internet explorer google chrome
Wordle: I used this website to present my questionnaire results and findings in a unique and different way. I used another Wordle during my evaluation (shown above) as well to list all the different technologies I used within my production.
Facebook & Social Networking Sites:  I used different social networking sites including Facebook to upload my product too. I did this so that different members of my target audience were able to give me feedback on what they liked and didn’t like about my magazine. By using social networking I was able to take into consideration what different members of my target audience wanted and needed from my product and therefore it allowed me to create a final magazine that interested and attracted my audience. It was very important that I listened to the feedback I was given at each stage.
Facebook    Double Page Spread FB Feedback   Contents Page FB feedback
Adobe Photoshop: I used Photoshop to edit all my photographs for my magazine front cover, contents page and double page spread. This piece of software can be hard to use and can take a while to get used to however once I understood all the different features I was able to manipulate my images and make them look very professional. I used it to change the lighting and also to remove backgrounds of the photographs or remove unwanted parts of the image too.
photoshop  IMG_2751    IMG_27512Back
Prezi: I used this website as a different and unique way of presenting my work. I used this mainly to present different PowerPoint presentations within my work and it allowed me to embed them directly into my blog.
iPhone 5S: I used this to take videos of my focus group as well as take the photographs of my models and of my inside images too. This enabled me to upload the images straight to my laptop and edit them. By taking my own photographs I was able to represent my models how I wanted them to be represented. I was able to use the props, costume, body positioning, facial expressions and lighting that I wanted to use.
Laptop/Computers: These played a big part in my work as I used them not only to edit my photographs but also to upload work to my blog and also complete work as well.
Laptop Computer

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