Evaluation Question #3

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

All magazines are distributed by a bigger, parent company known as an institution. These institutions need to be aware of their specific magazines’ target audience and they decide what the magazine is going to represent and portray. They then give different companies a brief description of the magazine so they can sell the chosen magazine to many different companies.

I think an ideal institution to distribute my music magazine would be Bauer Media Group who already distribute existing magazines including, Kerrang!. This magazine gains a hue readership every week and appeals to its audience in all the right ways. Therefore, I believe that this would be a good and ideal institution to distribute Vexed! and enable it to reach out to the right audience in order for it to become successful.
My own institution EKH Media will be distributing Vexed! magazine because the institution specialises in rock magazines similar to Kerrang! and NME.  They are a very small institution which currently only deal with one magazine which is Vexed! who’s readership is now reaching 167,260 and grows rapidly each week. EKH Media currently works in Germany, Italy, Belgium, Poland and of course the United Kingdom. The institution was founded in 2007 and is currently in the top 20 magazine production companies in the United Kingdom.
EKH Media

The Vexed! brand ethos is:
Vexed! understands the wants and needs of Rock music fans and therefore includes news, posters, gigs and tours information, undiscovered bands, competitions and more. Vexed! informs readers about the Rock music scene and keeps all their readers up to date with the world of rock music and never keeps them in the dark. All Vexed! readers will have an interesting and exciting experience reading all the features, whether it’s an article about their favourite band or a review of the best new rock album. Additionally, Vexed! understands the different institutions they are competing with e.g. ‘Kerrang!’ and ‘NME’ and therefore they aim to be unique and will stand out among all other magazines. It offers rock music lovers a unique magazine which they will thoroughly enjoy and want to read every week.

The Vexed! mission statement is:
“Here at Vexed! we make sure that we are continually appealing to all of our readers. Every issue will include a range of different bands which will appeal to different genders, ages and social classes as well. We will focus on the most important news within the rock scene each week, including articles, interviews, posters, gig and tour guides, competitions, fan interaction and much more! We promise to never release an issue that will let you ‘Kerrang! readers down, there will always, without a doubt be a feature that’ll be of interest to each and every reader. It will keep you up to date with the rock music scene and you’ll never feel like you’re being left out!”

Along side the magazine, Vexed! will have other aspects too, including:

  • Vexed! Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and Instagram accounts – with extremely frequent updates and additional interviews and reviews that are not included within our magazine.
  • Vexed! Sessions – weekly live music sessions uploaded to our own sessions website which allows the readers and fans to watch some of their favourite bands doing an exclusive session for them.
  • Vexed! Online – the website gives even more information to the readers of the magazine through videos, articles, up to date exclusive information and music videos.
  • Vexed! Awards – an annual ceremony held in London presenting the stars of the industry with relevant awards, with the help of the readers voting!

I believe that EKH Media would work with Vexed! to ensure that it’s mission statement and ethos are met and that the magazine reaches out to the correct target audience (16-26) and that all the readers needs and wants are met too.

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