Double Page Analysis 3

Double Page Spread Analysis 1 – Kerrang!
Representation of Gender & the Star: The main image & article on the ‘Kerrang!’ double page spread above is about well-known, recent, up and coming rock band ‘A Day To Remember’. All five members adhere the ‘rock star’ iconography that’s displayed within the rock scene, this is shown through their costume and appearance. A mixture of shirts, t-shirts, jeans, styled hair and facial hair all of which adhere the genre of music. Additionally, the colours of the clothing are predominantly black, white and red which are the typical connotations of rock music. Furthermore, they are photographed using low-key lighting which creates a sense of darkness which is suited to the genre again. Moreover, the language used shows quotes which engages the audience and gives a personal touch as if the band members are talking to the audience directly, as well as the quotes being something that’s very prominent within rock music magazines. Lastly, use of linguistic techniques e.g. ellipsis creates an enigma to the audience (‘enigma code’ theory by Barthes). Also, the mention of bad language on one of the quotes may be seen as controversial among others. This may also cause a negative representation of the band if others don’t agree. This is setting wrong examples to the audience and for this magazine and double page spread the audience is primarily young. Additionally, this could cause the institution itself to suffer for including the content.

Social Group & Audience: This magazine double page spread will attract a younger teen/student audience due to the layout and content. ‘Kerrang!’ layout is simple, bold, stand out and unique which attracts an audience. Additionally, because the audience are younger a lot of students read this magazine weekly therefore the language on this double page spread is very primitive, slightly colloquial and precise. Moreover, the layout is split up by a huge picture to keep the article attractive and eye-catching, it’s not overdone with text. In addition, this ‘Kerrang!’ double page spread may attract a secondary audience of adults but due to the simplistic language and precise layout the audience will primarily consist of a social group of C2DE.

Lifestyle: The above image presents the band members shouting and screaming, this not only reinforces the rock genre of loud ‘shouty’ music but it also shows them ‘singing’. Alternatively, this tells the audience that it’s what they do daily as ‘rock stars’, accordingly if the audience aspire to the band members then they could begin to sing or attend gigs to be like the band. Furthermore, the costume and outfits suggest to the reader the typical ‘rock star’ iconography and some may aspire to that and change the way they present themselves. In addition, the article contains information on their lifestyle mentioning albums and gigs and this again may cause the readers to aspire and look up to these band members and want to achieve like they have.

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